Working with DiSC®

Working with DiSC®.  Strengthening teams. Empowering leaders.


What is Everything DiSC®?

Everything DiSC® is a world-leading personal development tool for improving workplace performance and relationships.  DiSC® provides you with insightful information to help you better understand yourself and others by measuring your workstyle behaviours and preferences according to the DiSC® model. It is highly accurate, and above all,  simple and easy to use.

Because of its versatility and practical nature, we have been using Everything DiSC® as our primary tool to improve workplaces, teams and individuals. Our clients rave about DiSC® and keep coming back to use it time and again.

Working with DiSC® can help you:

• Improve management skills

• Communicate better with others

• Enhance emotional intelligence

• Build a high performing team

• Confidently deal with conflict

• Improve team dynamics

• Develop leadership skills

• Enhance sales and service effectiveness

Master the technique of working easily with others

Wouldn’t it be nice if working with people was just a little bit easier (if not a lot!)? What if managing people was a little easier? Or leading an entire team or business?

Many of the everyday challenges our clients experience with managing people come from simple misunderstandings. We tend to see situations, problems and solutions from our own particular point of view. It’s natural to do so; that’s how we are wired as humans. We understand that people don’t always see eye to eye with each other, and yet we tend to forget  that each situation can be seen from multiple perspectives, not just our own, and that each problem doesn’t have just one solution

Bridge the communication gap

The challenge is, we are not all equipped with the skills, experience or tools to deal effectively with the myriad of people issues that arise every day. If mishandled or avoided, these people issues can easily escalate and become bigger problems. Problems that can side-track or derail a team.

That’s where Working with DiSC® can make your work life (and home life!) that little bit or a lot easier.

At Howardco we understand the business challenges of working with and managing people. In fact, it is what we do best. We love helping business owners and leaders build successful teams and get the best out their people. As experienced and accredited Everything DiSC® facilitators we have the tools to help you make the job of managing people a lot easier.

With your DiSC® one-to-one meeting, online session or group workshop, you will learn strategies and techniques to better understand yourself and the people around you.

Adopt a new perspective

In a busy workplace, when we are so focussed on actions and results, we often forget that each individual is viewing and approaching things differently. Sometimes these differences can be small  and easy to deal with, but often we find ourselves on a completely different page to others, leading to disagreements and tension.

Working with DiSC® provides that simple reminder to pause and think about how to get the best outcomes for everyone, and how to keep everyone on the same page.

DiSC® helps you to realise that every person is seeing things from a different perspective.

Enhance emotional intelligence

DiSC® is much more than a communication tool. It enhances our awareness of our natural behaviours, enabling us to work more empathetically with others, thus boosting our emotional intelligence .

DiSC® is about understanding and, embracing, who you are and recognising there isn’t a right or wrong, or better or worse kind of person. We’re all simply different and we need to learn how to embrace and harness our differences. This promotes greater harmony for people, especially when working in teams.

With your DiSC® report you will unlock the reasons why some people get along and with others it’s a bit more challenging!

The below images are taken from our sample DiSC® report, to view the full 15 page sample head to®-sample or we can email you one.

Get started Working with DiSC®

Regardless of whether you are a leader or manager, a busy sales professional, a team who needs to work more collaboratively, or an employee wanting to work better with others, DiSC® can provide everyone with the skills to make working with others easier and more effective.

There are many ways to get started with DiSC® depending on your needs. We can provide one-on-one coaching, team development and facilitated workshops. The simplest first step is to try DiSC® yourself. Once you have experienced how powerful the tool can be for an individual, you’ll understand how it can apply to your workplace and your team.

To learn more about how Everything DiSC® Programs help your business to improve employee engagement and overall performance, contact Warren Howard on 0417 594 760.

For more information – download our EverythingDiSC® Flyer here

Click here to meet your accredited DiSC® facilitators

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