5 questions to ask your Leadership Team
You know your team is functioning well when: ideas are flowing freely, people are engaged, there is healthy debate and people are working together to achieve common goals. But what if your team is not performing well: discussions getting bogged down; lack of buy-in; petty arguments and failure to deliver?
In his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni identifies the key behaviours that, when missing, stop teams being as effective as they should be. If you are part of a Board, Leadership Team or have a Team reporting to you, run your ruler over the following questions to see how your team stacks up.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” – Henry Ford
Five Questions
Do we trust each other (really)? Do we admit to mistakes openly or feel comfortable asking for constructive feedback? Do we own up if things are not going to plan or offer to help others outside our area of responsibility? When team members are genuinely transparent and honest with one another, they are able to build vulnerability-based trust.
How well do we handle conflict in meetings? Do we encourage conflict or avoid it? Do people openly challenge ideas or are they reluctant to voice their opinions? Do we ask for alternative views or concerns and give enough time to handle objections? When there is trust, team members are able to engage in unfiltered, constructive debate of ideas and issues.
Are we committed to decisions (truly)? Do we act on our agreements or do we say we will do things but not follow through? Do we resolve discussions with a clear outcome or do we seem to revisit the same issues repeatedly? Are we clear on our directions and priorities? When team members are able to offer opinions and debate ideas, they will be more likely to commit to decisions.
Do we hold each other accountable? Do we feel comfortable questioning one another about approaches or methods? Do we address questions openly or are we defensive? Are we clear about one another’s responsibilities? Do we address unproductive behaviours? When everyone is truly committed to a clear plan of action, they will be more willing to hold one another accountable.
Are we all focused on achieving results? Do we concentrate on high priority items or are we distracted by minor issues? Do we set high standards for our performance or are we accepting below par results? Do we accept responsibility for the whole team’s performance or just our own? The ultimate goal of building greater trust, conflict, commitment, and accountability is one thing: The achievement of results.
When your team can say yes to all the questions above they can enjoy the following benefits of a high performing, cohesive team.
- Comfortable asking for help, admitting mistakes and limitations and take risks offering feedback
- Tap into one another’s skills and experiences
- Avoid wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of lack of buy-in
- Make higher quality decisions and accomplish more in less time and with fewer resources
- Put critical topics on the table and have lively meetings
- Align the team around common objectives
- Retain star employees
- Enjoy working together and achieving results
The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team is a program that challenges teams to examine their trust in each other, their ability to engage in constructive conflict, their commitment to decisions, their willingness to hold each other accountable and their focus on achieving collective results. In other words, it challenges team members to be real with each other and get rid of the politics and ego-driven unproductive behaviours.
Warren Howard is Director, Howardco Business + HR Solutions. Warren is a workplace engagement and change leadership specialist and Accredited facilitator of the ‘Five Behaviours’ program. To enquire how to create a high performing, cohesive team and improve team performance, contact Warren at warren@howardco.com.au or phone 0417 594 760.