Managing People

What makes middle managers effective leaders in 2023? 

What makes middle managers effective leaders in 2023? 

By on Jul 31, 2023 in Employee Engagement, Leadership, Managing People, Team Development, Wellbeing | 0 comments

Maybe Pizza was enough… I have been fortunate in my career to have had a variety of management and leadership opportunities. My early career was forged in the Oil Industry with BP Australia as a Graduate when I got my first taste of what it was like to lead a team.  The call came late on a Friday when I was told the Manager of the Accounts Payable team was...

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The Secret to Engaging and Retaining Top Talent

The Secret to Engaging and Retaining Top Talent

By on Jun 28, 2023 in Employee Engagement, Managing People, Team Development | 0 comments

It is no secret that engaging and retaining top talent remains one of the top three challenges facing leaders in the current economic environment.* So, I thought I would start with a good news story about one of our long-term clients. This visionary business owner had a goal, to establish a sustainable team around her that would one day allow her to help over one...

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Is Teamwork the Key to Productivity, Performance, and Well-being?

Is Teamwork the Key to Productivity, Performance, and Well-being?

By on Jun 1, 2023 in Employee Engagement, Everything DISC, Managing People, Wellbeing | 0 comments

Can you remember the best team you have worked with?  What was it about your team experience that made it so special? For me, the bonds formed, the shared experiences, and the collective synergy achieved worked together to transform not just work outcomes, but also individual well-being and overall performance. Let me take you on a trip down memory lane about a...

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The Healthy Executive: Setting the Standard for Health & Well-Being in your Business

The Healthy Executive: Setting the Standard for Health & Well-Being in your Business

By on Apr 27, 2023 in Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Managing People, Wellbeing | 0 comments

“Stop caring so much!” Who would have thought these four words would have had such a profound effect on my wellbeing. Let me tell you a story about a time when I worked for a firm that I really loved.  I was a member of a team who was passionate about our client-focused purpose. Our dedication to providing the best service possible made us feel invested and...

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Is your Culture the reason why your best people will stay or leave?

Is your Culture the reason why your best people will stay or leave?

By on Oct 6, 2022 in Employee Engagement, Managing People, Team Development | 0 comments

It’s a thought that sends a chill through many business owners and leaders and one that is keeping them awake at night. What if one (or more) of my best people leave and how could I replace them? “Take our 20 best people away and Microsoft would become an unimportant company”. Quote: Bill Gates. Chairman Microsoft Despite a recent  slight easing in the job market we...

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Employees are looking for their next job. What can you do to keep them?

Employees are looking for their next job. What can you do to keep them?

By on Aug 29, 2022 in Employee Engagement, Managing People, Recruitment | 0 comments

It’s an all too familiar story now. In the last month more and more clients have been feeling the pain of losing good people and finding it difficult to replace them. If you are a small to medium business the loss of two or three people can have a significant impact. I have been speaking with Managers and Business Owners regularly about the challenges they are...

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