Is Teamwork the Key to Productivity, Performance, and Well-being?

Is Teamwork the Key to Productivity, Performance, and Well-being?

By on Jun 1, 2023 in Employee Engagement, Everything DISC, Managing People, Wellbeing | 0 comments

Can you remember the best team you have worked with? 

What was it about your team experience that made it so special?

For me, the bonds formed, the shared experiences, and the collective synergy achieved worked together to transform not just work outcomes, but also individual well-being and overall performance. Let me take you on a trip down memory lane about a groundbreaking startup and the extraordinary team I had the privilege of being a part of.

Imagine this: a blank whiteboard and a group of passionate individuals sharing a vision. Our mission? To revolutionise the insurance industry with a customer-centric online business. It wasn’t the nature of the business itself that necessarily excited us, but the opportunity to create something entirely new. We wanted to make our mark in the early days of e-commerce.

Our team consisted of five handpicked individuals, each bringing unique knowledge and experiences to the table. United by our belief in collaboration and a shared purpose, we embarked on an adventure of problem-solving and innovation, combining our skills to find creative solutions and generate unique ideas.

What made our team truly exceptional was our unwavering focus on the customer. Every aspect, from designing a user-friendly website to crafting customer-oriented documentation, revolved around serving our audience. Our vision aligned perfectly with the values of the parent company.

Now, let me tell you the name of our innovative startup—”Bingle.” Yes, you read that right. It may not sound like your typical insurance company, but that’s exactly what we aimed for—a name that stood out and captured attention. And let me tell you, it did just that.

For two years, we poured our hearts and souls into building Bingle, overcoming sceptics and resistance along the way. But we had something crucial: sponsorship from the CEO and unwavering support from the Board. Their belief in our idea fuelled our determination to challenge the traditional model and change the game.

And change it did. We pushed the boundaries of online insurance, learning invaluable lessons along the way. Finally, when the moment arrived for the launch of Bingle it was midnight on a Sunday, and we eagerly watched the countdown clock. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… and then, there it was—Bingle, live. Witnessing the first insurance policy purchased at 2:00 AM was a testament to the power of an always-available online business.

Reflecting on my experience with this extraordinary team, I’ve discovered the key elements that made us truly great. A compelling purpose, a group that embraced challenges and collaboration, and crucial sponsorship that guided us towards success. 

So, join me as we explore the transformative power of teamwork. Together, we’ll discover how teamwork can not only drive exceptional business outcomes but also enhance individual well-being and fulfilment. 


Teamwork has long been recognised as a secret sauce in achieving success, both in sports and in the workplace. The anonymous quote, “A champion team will always beat a team of champions,” highlights the inherent power of effective collaboration. But what exactly is the connection between teamwork, productivity, and performance?

Productivity, in the realm of economics, refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which output is generated using available resources. Put simply, it’s about maximising outcomes while minimising resource usage. Productivity entails discovering smarter approaches to work and optimising available supplies. 

Performance relates to how well individuals fulfil their role responsibilities, complete assigned tasks, and conduct themselves in the workplace. It encompasses factors, such as the quality, quantity, and efficiency of work delivered: 

  • Deloitte revealed that organisations prioritising teamwork and collaboration are 5X more likely to experience employment growth, 2X as likely to increase profits, and 2X as likely to outperform their competitors.
  • Looking ahead, millennials are projected to dominate the global workforce, comprising 75% of it by 2025. Notably, 33% of millennials already prefer collaborative workspaces, showcasing their inclination towards teamwork.

Wellbeing. Effective teamwork not only enhances productivity and performance but also has the potential to profoundly impact well-being. Recent studies on Psychosocial Hazards have revealed that elements like inadequate feedback, unrealistic job expectations, insufficient training, isolation, and low morale can impact mental health and overall well-being in the workplace. As SME Leaders, Managers, and Professionals, it’s crucial to recognise the pivotal role that collaboration plays in creating an environment where individuals can thrive both personally and professionally.

Check out our latest blog post titled “The Healthy Executive: Setting the Standard for Health & Well-being in Your Business” to dive deeper into the statistics and insights on the impact of suboptimal mental health on performance and productivity. In this article, we explore the significance of workplace wellness, focusing on the perspective of SME leaders. By placing well-being at the forefront and fostering collaboration, you can establish effective teams that thrive and contribute to your organisation’s success.


Below you will see the five most common roadblocks to achieving effective team collaboration and performance. By being aware of these challenges, you can proactively take steps to overcome them and foster a culture of teamwork that promotes well-being:


The DiSC® model provides a unique and powerful model for Teamwork. Envision a workplace where individuals harness their unique strengths, embrace diverse communication styles, and seamlessly collaborate towards a shared vision. This can become a reality with the power of the DiSC®. What’s more? You can amplify that power and unleash the true potential of your team via the online and interactive capabilities of modern tools.

Before we dive deeper, let’s understand the basics. What exactly is the DiSC® model? It’s a remarkable behavioural assessment tool that paints a vivid picture of team members’ communication preferences and behavioural tendencies. Through its four primary styles—Dominance (D), Influence (i), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C)—it lays the foundation for understanding and adapting to diverse communication styles.

If you’re wondering what that would look like in a team setting, imagine a D-style team member, thriving on directness and results-driven dialogue, collaborating seamlessly with an I-style counterpart who excels at building relationships through enthusiasm and persuasion. Meanwhile, an S-style team member seeks harmony and cooperation, while a C-style individual prioritises accuracy and attention to detail. By appreciating and embracing these preferences, you and your team members can bridge communication gaps and foster effective collaboration.

Now, let’s explore how we can take the power of the DiSC® model to the next level. Curious as to how? Catalyst™ is the answer.

In today’s digital age, where remote work and virtual collaboration have become the norm, it’s essential to leverage online tools that can enhance team dynamics and communication. Catalyst™ is an individualised learning platform that serves as a central hub for learners as they embark on their DiSC® journey. It can be used to enhance instructor-led facilitation or for self-guided exploration.


Throughout this newsletter, we’ve explored how fostering collaboration, productivity, and well-being can drive your business to new heights. 

How can you transform your goal for a high-performing team into a tangible outcome?

Howardco can help. We offer tailor-made leadership and team-building programs, designed to equip your team with the essential skills and insights to conquer any challenge.

Our secret weapon? The DiSC® model, powered by Catalyst™ —a proven framework that unravels the complexities of individual behaviour and team communication styles. 

Click here to learn more about the extraordinary results you can achieve. 

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