I started Howardco in 2010. At the time I was working in corporate and I could see so many business owners, who were otherwise successful at what they were doing, but who were struggling with the whole idea of managing people. And that was holding them back. At Howardco, we are passionate about helping businesses just like yours to grow and build successful teams....
Read MoreSilos are a barrier to productivity, collaboration and innovation. And silos affect customer experience. Think of the last time you called your bank, insurer, telco (insert relevant call centre) only to be greeted by a menu of choices, select 1 for etc. and then only to find yourself getting passed ‘pillar to post’ till you find the right department, each time...
Read MoreLast week I addressed a breakfast of 80 business owners about how to accelerate team performance. An often overlooked area is the importance of systems to support your people, yet systems can be the very key to growth. Here’s what I said: “When I think about Systems I don’t think about flowcharts. I think about performance. I think about people working together. So,...
Read MoreWith the end of financial year looming, it’s that time when budgets are being formulated and plans developed for the new year. Marketing plans, operating budgets and business plans readily come to mind but what about your HR Plan? For many businesses, people costs are their biggest expense but it’s an area that’s often overlooked in planning. So, what is an HR Plan?...
Read MoreAccording to Patrick Lencioni in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (watch the video below) “The higher you go up the management chain, the more you find people spending inordinate amounts of time and energy trying to avoid the types of passionate debates that are essential to any great team. It is ironic that so many people avoid conflict in the name of efficiency,...
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